Speaking and Engagement


Touro University

Guest lectureship for third year Occupational Therapy students on emerging OT practice areas and adaptive design

Closing The Gap

Switch It Up! Creative Ways to Teach Students with Significant Disabilities to Use Switches

Providing Remote and In-Person Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities.

Parsons School of Design

Supported and educated fashion and industrial design students on accessibility, human centered design, task analysis, and rapport building with clients and patients.

Methodist University

Annual lectureship with focus on emerging and non-traditional occupational therapy practice, including universal/inclusive design and assistive technologies.

Columbia University

Dr. Janet Falk-Kessler Distinguished Lectureship. Educational series for graduate students, faculty, and professionals on using assistive technology for access to leisure and education.

Boston Museum of Science

Provided educational programming related to accessible and adaptive fashion and inclusivity. Included family friendly presentation and design activities

National Academies of Arts and Sciences – Aging, Disability, and Independence Forum

Promoted adaptive and inclusive design practices to support participation and independence in dressing.